What we achieved
During the implementation of the project, we were able to reach young people leaving care, professionals who care for and support them, civil society organizations, national and local institutions in seven cities regional centers - Sofia, Pernik, Ruse, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Veliko Tarnovo and Gabrovo.

218 young people leaving care were supported through the project
Conducted 6 rounds of the Application Procedure for project support.
The results:
44 driving courses implemented;
216 social psychological counselling;
40 psychiatric therapy sessions;
25 language courses;
14 provided housing/place to live;
43 professional courses for cook, hairdresser, manicurist, etc.
7 computer literacy courses;
health/dental treatment for 11 young people
3 information webinars with stakeholders and other organizations that provide support to young people leaving care;
advocacy workshop "Young people leaving alternative care – between autonomy and reality" with representatives of national and local authorities;
final conference of the project with more than 100 participants, including from Norway and North Macedonia

Conducted trainings for professional orientation and mastering soft skills
40 young people involved in vocational guidance and soft skills training
101 young people involved in online thematic meetings and online training sessions;
18 young people involved in financial literacy trainings