A social service standard to support young people leaving care
One of the main goals and activities of the project was the development of Standard for social service to support young people leaving care in Bulgaria.
SOS Children's Villages Bulgaria has been providing support for youths in SOS care since 2004 through the Start of Independent Life Program and has expert knowledge of the characteristics of the target group and the changes in them that occur after the de-institutionalization process began in Bulgaria.
Through the "Pathways to Freedom" project, we managed to develop a single Standard for such a social service, which we presented at the Final Conference and which we proposed to the Bulgarian government with a call for the introduction of this service into legislation.
You can download the Standard via the button below /only available in Bulgarian language at the moment/:
Service quality standards in the program
The service quality standards in the program are organized around several areas, namely:
rights of young people leaving alternative care,
participation and empowerment, effectiveness of the support provided and competence,
leadership and management.
In each area, a list of standards, 12 in total, is proposed, as well as indicators of achievement. The proposed standards are basic and do not cancel, but supplement the national quality standards in Information and consulting, Mediation and advocacy services

Standard 1
Every child and youth who leaves the alternative care system has the right to receive support in order to facilitate social integration

Standard 2
Every child and young person leaving the alternative care system has a choice of the type of support they can receive

Standard 3
Children and young people leaving the alternative care system are treated with dignity and respect

Standard 4
Children and young people leaving the alternative care system participate in needs assessment and support planning

Standard 5
Children and young people leaving the system of alternative care participate in the selection of activities and supporting social workers

Standard 6
Children and young people who leave the system of alternative care use forms and mechanisms for giving feedback

Standard 7
Social needs assessment identifies the steps through the way to independence

Standard 8
The work plan outlines the direction for the development of skills, independence and integration into the community to the maximum extent possible

Standard 9
All goals and activities must be result oriented

Standard 10
The staffing structure is appropriate and reflects the aims of the program and the needs of children and young people

Standard 11
The program has developed effective mechanisms for the selection and improvement of the professional qualification of the staff

Standard 12
Professional competence that guarantees results for beneficiaries